Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter 6 pages 88-92

The first night in Puerto Viejo I fell in love with the place. While walking along the dirt roads of Puerto Viejo, I ask Doogie where we can get some natural Costa Rican whacky weed. Doogie speaks fluent Spanish so he asks a few locals and also does a great interpretation job for Carla and me. If there ever was a decent male/male/female threesome it was Carla, Doogie and I. I loved it! Doogie would speak with Carla. I got to have sex with her. Well one man on the street says he will trade us two joints for a pack of cigarettes. No problem I was in the first store forking over 400 colones to the clerk for the pack of cigarettes for trade. In Costa Rica there are no excessive sin taxes on cigarettes so one can buy them for a reasonable amount unlike the inflated prices paid in the United States and Canada.

Well off to dinner we go with our whacky tobacco which is perfectly acceptable in Costa Rica. We would end up puffing up right there in the outdoor restaurant after dinner. For dinner we had the most delicious seafood. I recall having a lot of white fish with Halibut, Swordfish, and Orange Roughy between Carla, Doogie and I. The three entrees were all so delicious we just kind of picked and sampled from all three plates. Each one tasted just as good as the first too. I could certainly live in a place like Puerto Viejo with such inexpensive delicious drinks, food and lodging. After dinner the three of us sat around the table that was made from a tree stump in the moist night air and sparked up the joint. We also got into some after dinner liqueur and coffee on the shores of the Caribbean which you could hear the soft crashing of the waves in the dark. I am not a coffee drinker and Costa Rica has some of the world’s finest coffee so mix it with a little Café Rica and you got yourself an absolutely delicious after dinner drink. For that matter I had some Café Rica over ice. Hate to sound like a commercial but I guess it’s my profession, Café Rica comes in two yummy flavors, coffee and cream liqueur. We sat around the stump for a few hours under the stars on a clear Caribbean night with Carla leaning back into my chest just soaking up the serenity of Puerto Viejo thinking how could so many people be so blind (with racism) when it came to the Caribbean Coastline. People are people, there are rich people and there are poor people and there are so many different people of different cultures but in Costa Rica there really are no differences between people from the Caribbean Coast and the Pacific Coast just the tourists that perceive them as different.

Back to the cabin we went where Doogie seemed to be out there in a world of his own or I just thought I was super discreet as I hung out on the hammock and occasionally played with Carla while Doogie wasn’t looking. Doogie was doing a great job though interpreting my words of romance to Carla. It might have been awkward in a normal situation but this was Costa Rica and we had been drinking, smoking and were relieved to be off that horrible bus ride to enjoy such relaxing conditions on a picture perfect night. So laughter replaced what might have been embarrassing words at the moment. Somehow some way Guaro got into our compound along with a few more girls so Doogie was able to ease out of the scene where Carla and I enjoyed each other’s company on the hammock out front of the cabin while drinking Guaro out of hallowed coconut shells. It was the type of night where a man hopes the sun never comes up with peace, serenity, pleasure, and cannabis in the air made for a perfect evening.

After a peaceful night’s rest and the delightful company of Ms. Carla Thomas we woke up all ready to shower in the middle of the hotel compound. I took one of the most refreshing showers of my life out there in the middle of the jungle on the Caribbean coastline just after sex which makes the cool water splashing on your body all that more refreshing. The three of us ended up spending the day renting and riding bikes. Doogie brought his surfboard in hopes of catching what would be non-existent waves during the peaceful flat waters of September in the Caribbean. We ended up riding those bikes everywhere. First we sat down at a part of the beach where Doogie went paddling out into the deep water on his surfboard, I ripped off my shirt, flexed a little bit for my female audience, and plunged into the cool waters and Carla stripped down to her lovely black bra and thong for some shallow water wading. No need for an official bikini in Costa Rica with the barren beaches inhabited by very few people so who cared, we could have been naked and no one would have noticed.

This time in the sun I was more cautious, putting on some serious sun block in the form of sun block-20 which could keep the brutal rays just north of the equator from giving me a lobsteresque burn. Ah Carla was great company as we rolled around in the sand and surf more like the movie “Airplane” with the kelp running ashore than “From Here to Eternity” the 1953 romance classic based in Hawaii with the young lovers rolling together in the sand and surf while getting into some heavy petting.
We continued our adventure by jumping back aboard our bicycles and riding all the way to Panama which really was just a few kilometers down the dirt road from Puerto Viejo. With no passport Carla was not about to cross the border so we checked ourselves into a quaint little hotel bar in the middle of the jungle for a beer while monkeys and iguanas lurked just outside of the veranda. This was one of the many peaceful jewels hidden within the lush Costa Rican jungle where one could barely see the sun shining through the dense thickness of bamboo trees in every direction.

The final day of our trip was my birthday. I woke up to a steady rain on our Caribbean village. Luckily Carla was smart enough to bring an umbrella and we took a walk to a local bar while Doogie slept. Once the bartender found out it was my birthday she put a candle in a piece of cake and bought me a drink. The setting was simple yet a classic tropical setting. The interior was all made of wood. The bar was primarily made of bamboo with one back wall which the bar stood up against, a ceiling and half walls on each side with the open end facing the Caribbean with a few palm trees in between. We sat on the bamboo chairs and it was refreshing to speak a little bit of English to the bartender who was bi-lingual which most of the service specialists are in Costa Rica. It’s amazing how the simple gesture of giving me a free drink and cake with a candle on my birthday in a simple village can mean so much. I hope everyone can appreciate the simple gestures in life because for some reason they are the ones that mean the most when you never expect them. If you go to Costa Rica don’t be afraid of the hideous rumors about violence on the Caribbean. Go see beautiful Puerto Viejo!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 6 pages 85-88

Well I meet up with these three beautiful girls, one has a scowl (Carla’s sister), a friend and then there was the beautiful dark skinned girl with lovely braids, the face of an angel, and an ass that wasn't nearly as big through my beer goggles. HELLLLOOO Carla! Damn we had a good time that night, she danced to the reggae and me with no rhythm was lucky enough to blend into the big crowd because I have no idea how to dance and resemble a bobbing head doll when I try to dance. The comments about my dancing range from “Are you dying?” to the ever popular “just stand there”. So I basically just stood there on the dance floor that night bobbing my head a little bit and balancing my drink while watching Carla dance. We ended up taking the party outside and when conversation wasn't working the vibe was electric which kept us moving towards my condo. We took a temporary pit stop by the restaurant next door and she ordered some Ceviche. I wasn’t hungry and got an Imperial. The food came and she started pushing that Ceviche right down my throat, she interpreted it to be a natural aphrodisiac through the bartender. No problem I saw where the party was headed and was going to do my sporting best to make sure I fulfilled my end as the pleasure delivery boy. So eat up and our walk escalated from speed walk to running back to the condo with excitement in my loins for a quick roll of fun and frolic when I decided to ask shortly after climax, “Hey, You want to go to Puerto Viejo?” Between the sign language and the word “Puerto Viejo” she understood. She nodded her head yes so we went back to the All-Star Café where I met up with Doogie who was barely standing while sloshing his lips around a fruity red drink in a plastic cup. The plan was to meet Doogie at his house in a few hours at around 6am to catch a taxi for Puerto Viejo which was a good 3 hour drive away.

We than told Carla’s sister her plans and the three of us skirted off to the poor side of town in a heavy downpour to get a few items for Carla for the three day trip we were about to take. I have never really seen poor in my life outside of the homeless and Carla was one step above homeless.

Carla, her sister, a third girl that played babysitter that night and their three children all lived in a three room tin covered shelter with clay walls and a bathroom. In one room was the kitchen/living room with a table, chairs, stove, cockroaches, sink and a leaky roof; The other two rooms were very tiny with just a full size bed in each room where the girls would sleep with their children. I sobered up real quick on this one and would soon find out for work Carla worked in a seamstress shop making but a couple of dollars a day. It really broke my heart to see someone living in what would be called poverty in Southern California. Where was the father? I had to deal with Marcus not having a father and the one thing that I cannot understand in life is how a father can deny a child that he has been part of putting on this earth. Sure there are some mothers out there that are unruly and difficult to deal with but to avoid taking responsibility for a child in my judgment is un-excusable. Carla did have a beautiful young daughter of about 5 years old that any father should be proud to raise.

One good thing about the online gaming community is there are some people and organizations that do care. I was never aware of this but rumor had it Claude’s wife was very giving. I could only see the heart of stone which is only what we see in others sometimes and unfairly judge them. According to others: Claude was not as selfish as people painted him. Money to him was just a number. He just wanted to win. It was all about power. At Christmas he would bring a container from Miami full of toys and would have parties throughout December in all parts of San Jose for the poor kids. He would buy out McDonalds and have two parties every Saturday. He rented busses to pick up the kids and take them home. Once, one of the local charities had a container full of wheelchairs hung up in customs. Customs wanted $15,000 in taxes. When Claude heard about it he sent one of his assistants with a check. As a businessman he was brutal, but he did have a soft side. If nothing else I hope Carla Thomas’ daughter got to experience at least one of those Christmas parties.

Reality and the importance of life hits me hard when I see those less fortunate than myself and 6 am hits hard also so it’s off to meet up with Doogie only to get the bad news that the taxi driver has now decided he won’t drive us to Puerto Viejo for $100. So our only other option is to take that damn bus again, the same bus I took to Manuel Antonio. I hated those buses agonizing over dealing with the urine stench that Tom tarnished the interior of the bus during my only other experience with a bus. Oh, well it couldn’t get worse.

The bus trip to Puerto Viejo was tenfold worse. We boarded the bus after paying about $14 each for the round trip tickets to Puerto Viejo. We noticed immediately there was only one seat left and I was dead tired so I sat down, just kidding I have always tried to be a gentleman to the best of my ability which is limited and gave the seat to Carla. She was just as tired being up all night and dealing with my raging testosterone that was escalated by my upcoming birthday on the 17th. I used to get an adrenaline rush around birthday time, but been there done that so much it doesn’t even faze me anymore. Well, Doogie and I took the only other option and that was to stand in the aisle.

Doogie and I were beat from being up all night drinking and partying so the thought of a 4 hour trip through the mountains and then down to the Eastern Coast of Costa Rica was going to be a challenge. Finally after about an hour Doogie comes up with a capital idea. We can sit down in the aisle and it would be best if we sat back to back in the aisle while traveling out to Puerto Viejo. I never thought twice about it. Here I am in my early thirties, own my own businesses, making plenty of money and none of that matters because there is no airport in Puerto Viejo and the local planes do not fly to Limon, the main city on the Caribbean. Fact is I have to sit on the floor because I was ready to fall. This is Costa Rica and when in Costa Rica do as the Costa Ricans do is good enough for me. I sat there back to back with Doogie for about 2 hours. I would occasionally gaze up into Carla’s sleeping shut eyes and imagine them being open, because she did have beautiful chestnut brown eyes that seemed so relaxed and right now I wanted to relax with my human back support, Doogie and hard floor that would put calluses on my hind-pot if I decided to utilize this sort of travel on a regular basis. After about two hours we finally hit a stop where enough people got off that we could enjoy the remainder of the trip in luxury with padded seats of our own.

Puerto Viejo is a sleepy, sun baked town on the Caribbean Coast that's brutal to get to and has substantially less visitors than the Pacific Coast. It also has a lot more rain which deters tourists but nonetheless it’s a charming little coastal village. We checked into the hotel. Doogie got the single $8 a night cabin. I on the other hand got the best cabin there was to get at this simple little hotel. I got the cabin with two King sized beds and a bathroom for a whopping $22. Doogie was minus a bathroom and had to use the outdoor facilities in the middle of the compound where there were charming outdoor showers that were private with the exception of no roof. Personally I loved the place and at $22 a night I had plenty of money to spend on other things like giving it to Carla to take care of her daughter. Unfortunately you give a girl $300 and she goes and gets her hair done rather than get important things in life including food and clothes for her child but then again I have never been a woman and really do not understand how they think. I am just glad that there have been a few young ladies in my life that like me, because I love their bodies and Carla was no exception.