Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chapter 6 pages 82-85

Chapter 6
Blacksaw does Costa Rica

The falling of the World Trade Center in NYC gave me a few days to adjust the media schedules to resume around the 3rd week of September considering sports were temporarily put on hold. It only took me a couple of days to call the radio stations and the media buyers that were working for me and have them postpone the schedules. Once this was done than it was time to restructure the media schedules and to Claude’s credit he gave an affirmative blessing to increase the media schedules once sports resumed. It was a very sensitive time but business life goes on and the gambler wasn't about to call it a year because a few nuts with a penchant for destruction had made world news. I figured this would be a good time to give back and make donations from every new account to aid a worthwhile charity for victims and the family members of victims that perished in the disaster. Claude had his reasons deciding not to do so because it would look too much like he was capitalizing off of a horrific event. I respected his point of view here because it was a damned if you do damned if you don't but in my opinion it would have been a great opportunity to reach out and start establishing relations with a politically supported charity.

All of my preparation leading up to the 2001 radio campaigns for BOS was paying off big time now because communications were so solid that every single media that I worked with came through with adjusting the schedules, adding supplemental spots to jump start the campaign that had its momentum stolen from an unavoidable event. I had Bob adjusting the ad copy, and by the night of the 13th of September I had completed all of my professional responsibilities and over the course of the next ten days I just had to monitor current events to insure that only one weekend of NFL football was delayed while we still maintained advertising in collegiate markets where college football was not postponed.

So with the slow time numerous employees were given time off and I took advantage of the timing by exploring Costa Rica and celebrating my 34th birthday. That Friday, I went out with Chuck Bauer meeting up with him at the Hotel Del Rey bar. I did a few laps around the bar while getting the standard physicals by about 4-5 gorgeous female doctors, nurses or candy stripers who would grab your nuts and have you cough to make sure you were healthy enough to have a drink. I love the Hotel Del Rey's concern for physical health. Well this night I meet up with Chuck and tell him that my birthday is in a couple of days and I wanted to know if he wanted to head out for the weekend to Puerto Viejo. He was all for heading out of town but preferred to do some sport fishing out on the Pacific Coast while I wanted to explore the Caribbean. I wanted to go fishing also but for those sexy Caribbean ladies. So we knew we wouldn’t be traveling together but for my birthday he hands me a $100 bill and with a good hearty laugh says, “get yourself something nice here” so I have no other choice but to have a little bit of fun with the lady of my choice as an early birthday gift. Well as I am walking around the bar this beautiful dark skinned black girl is constantly calling my name and I cannot figure out where I know her from. Than it finally hit me. I did have one act of infidelity while I was in a committed relationship down on the island of Curacao and damned if this wasn't the same girl. Happy hostess in Curacao moved her herself on up to better times in Costa Rica where I think she was studying medicine also because she gave me a complimentary physical once I acknowledged her. Damn it was good to see her and I let her know too because we had a great time in Curacao and I thought compelled to give her my $100 bill so she could continue to pursue her medical dreams. A couple hours with Miss Columbia was a great precursor to the birthday. Damn beautiful girls form Columbia!

A few days later was one of the many non-professional highlights of my trip. I ended up at the All-Star café for a Reggae night which always seems to bring out the hot looking girls. Well that night after a considerable amount of drinks I convinced Doogie to take a trip with me out to the Caribbean side of Costa Rica to Puerto Viejo. Now ever since I had gotten to Costa Rica everyone warned me about the Caribbean side. “Don’t go over there the Jamaicans will machete your head off!” Talk about drastic measures for being pale skinned. Well I had lived in South Central Los Angeles and I saw how the press portrayed that area improperly so I figure it was the same here. So that night at the All-Star Café which was a great sports bar, Doogie and I decide we were on our way to Puerto Viejo the next day and that is the night I met Caroline Thomas or Carla for short.

Carla wasn’t my wife to be that I would eventually bring home from Costa Rica but Carla was a great girl. She had a beautiful face, nice braids, cute voice and a big firm ass that you could bounce quarters off of. George would comment that her ass looked like a couple of hams stuck together and I think between him and Doogie over the years her ass was enough to take up both sides of a love seat. If they keep talking they will say I had to take her out in a pick-up truck because the front seat just wasn’t enough. I’m sticking to the story that it wasn’t that big but I will forever be contradicted on that one. In her defense it was nice, just not something George liked on the surface but I certainly had no problems sticking my nose between those honey baked ass cushions. Problem was neither one of us could really understand each other since she spoke very little English and I spoke even less Spanish. Regardless it’s amazing at how good of a time we always had considering the language barrier eliminated all arguments.

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